We do hope you will find this site friendly enough to register for the forthcoming examination with ease. Please endeavor to study the Instructions carefully before filling the form. You may decide to download the UTME Registration Template and fill before filling the form online. Please keep your Card and Receipt properly and always Logout before quitting the system. All Enquiries should be sent ONLY to UTME2012.info@jamb.gov.ng or call 08072522813, 07031283713, 07031283662.
Use the Sign Up option to validate your PIN and serial Number. Use this option ONLY once, i.e. when you have not created your registration account. Upon Validation of PIN, you shall be required to supply a Unique User Name and Password which shall be used to Login subsequently. The Forgot Your Password Option is used to retrieve forgotten username/password.
Ensure that you have an electronic copy of your Most Recent Passport Photograph (not older than 3 months) before you start your registration. Candidates are advised to test the validity of their passport photographs before proceeding to fill.
Java Runtime is required by this Portal with a minimum of version 1.6. Update your system Java Runtime online now. You can also download an Image Processing Freeware software for resizing and format your Image to the specified format or use Microsoft Image Editor or Any available Image editing Software to Resize and Convert your Picture into JPEG Format and required size of 15 Kilo Bytes.
NOTE: Candidates who supplied valid e-mail addresses during registration shall receive their registration details via e-mails upon Submission of forms. This should be printed and attached to the earlier printed slip. All candidates should come with their recent passport photographs to the Examination Halls.
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