Please note that we have not receive any solid information on the admission list because they(fuoye management) has a lot of questions to answer concerning their post ume that was conducted.
Here is a comment I received recently....
Anonymous said...
pls is it true dat d adm list 4 fuoye is out on jamb website
December 24, 2011 3:28 AM
Dr Babatunde Omot Yusuf said...
Thanks for the comment but on jamb website, I can't find anything like such. Even when I check some admission status, reply was "SORRY, NO ADMISSION GIVEN YET". Permit me to use your comment as the updates on fuoye to others. Thanks
December 24, 2011 10:23 AM
So, let's be careful and watch our back . Also pray that God should intervene on this matter. Praise God Somebody. Is Also A Nigeria University Admission Update Blog. You can check it out. Thanks a lot
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