The person's physical appearance turned me on.
The person had a desirable body.
I wanted the pure pleasure.
I wanted to achieve an orgasm.
I wanted the adventure/excitement.
The person had an attractive face.
I was "horny."
It's fun.
The person was too "hot" (sexy) to resist.
It feels good.
I was sexually aroused and wanted the release.
The person was too physically attractive to resist.
I wanted to improve my sexual skills.
It's exciting, adventurous.
I wanted to experiment with new experiences.
I saw the person naked and could not resist.
I wanted the experience.
The opportunity presented itself.
I wanted to try out new sexual techniques or positions.
I wanted to experience the physical pleasure.
I was curious about what the person was like in bed.
I had not had sex in a long time.
I was turned on by the sexual conversation.
The person smelled nice.
The person had beautiful eyes.
The person was really desired by others.
The person really desired me.
My hormones were out of control.
The person wore revealing clothes.
Shay na true abi na lie? Let's talk....
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