It was noted that the Zinox Whizkid2 which has consistently produced 91% success average in the past 2 years, comes standard with Windows 7 Starter, is embedded with an Airtel SIM card bundled with free 500MB of 3 months data plan and over 100,000 simulated exam questions and answers for JAMB, WAEC, NECO, and Post UME examinations.
The Whizkid2 also has a Zinox Card - a web based e-knowledge tool that empowers users with the world’s largest e-library service complete with over 2 million e-books downloadable in any PC.
In addition, the Whizkid2 is stuffed with knowledge icons like Encarta Premium 2009 including Encarta Kid and Encarta Dictionaries; Skool Nigeria, interactive learning and teaching resources a collaboration between Intel and Zinox; and Explore Nigeria - highly interactive learning resources with cutting edge technology endorsed by the Federal Government.
Accoring to the Chief Operating Officer and Executive Director of Airtel Nigeria, Deepak Srivastava, he assured that any child who manages to go through 60% of the questions and answers on the Zinox Whizkid2 is guaranteed a minimum score of 80% success in any o’ level, A’ Level and professional examinations.
The Airtel Zinox Whizkid2 bundle offer goes for a sum of N65,000.00 and is available in all Airtel and Zinox outlets across the country. Go get yours now...
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