Have you heard about the MTN security Number? If "NO" is your answer, then it will be difficult to retrieve your number right away. Call the MTN customer care with your 3-5 phone numbers that you called regularly, amount of airtime you loaded last, your P.U.K number that is behind your Sim certificate and other related information.
But if you have your MTN security Number, IT IS ULTRA EASY TO RETRIEVE YOUR NUMBER BACK IN FEW HOURS....
First of all, note that the MTN Security Number is a 16-digit number that is unique to your phone number. It is made up of a 12-digit Customer identification number and a 4-digit Security Key. This unique number will secure your mobile account and prevent third parties from making transactions on your account. Your MTN Security Number will be sent to you via SMS. Please make sure you save it in a secure location, where no one else can gain access to it. I mean a place that is best secure, write it and put it there.
Your MTN Security number is unique to you and must not be disclosed to any third party. Kindly note that MTN Nigeria will not be liable for any compromise to customer phone lines resulting from the disclosure of their security numbers.
Reason why you must have the MTN Security Number
- Protects a customer's phone line from fraudulent activities
- Gives access to our self service channels
- Eases the process around sensitive services such as MTN SIM swap
How will I get my MTN security number?
It will be sent to you via SMS or text message.
What do I do when I forget my MTN Security Number?
You can reset it by calling MTN customer care on 180 OR by visiting any of the MTN walk-in centers in Nigeria.
More information on the MTN Security Number? Please call 180 or visit any of our Walk-in centers.And Also Remember To Share And Spread With Friends On Facebook , Twitter And Other Social Networks. Please Just Tell Them.
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