Please and please...Pay full attention to the information that are below in order to save you from stress and other inconviniences.
Things To Note Before Funaab Exam.
First thing that you must know about the examination is that the Exam Pass must be collected at the Programme Office at Mawuko based on the condition that you have all the receipts of your school fee payment. The reciepts must be from your year till date. It is just for presenting and confirmation before you can be given the Exam Pass.
Secondly, it is with only full payment of fees that can grant you the Exam Pass and also grant you access at the exam hall door.
Thirdly, adhere to the instructions that are written below because it is your examination conduct. So, read and don't go against the rules below.
Examination Conducts and Rules.
* You are expected to be outside the examination room until you are told by an invigilator to go in. Don't fail this.
* You will ONLY be permitted to enter up to half an hour after the start of the examination; If more than half an hour after the start may be admitted at the discretion of the Chief Invigilator. In other words, Lateness to exam hall will not be tolerated.
* You should NOT leave earlier than half an hour after the start of the examination. Not even ten minutes to the end of the examination period.
*At the end of the examination, you must remain on your seat until the invigilators have collected all the scripts and you are told that you can take your leave. It is your responsibility to ensure that your script is handed to the invigilator in the examination hall.
* You must be quiet during your entering or existing the Exam Hall.
* You are not permitted to talk with anyone except your Invigilator and it is only permitted when you are going in and existing the Exam Hall. If you are caught disturbing, you willbe sent out of the Exam Hall.
* If you are leaving the Exam Hall, intending to return, you must be accompanied by an Invigilator.
* Bags, briefcases, etc. are not allowed in. If you are living outside the school, you can keep your belongings at places recommended by the Invigilator.
* You must not bring in textbooks, notes or similar aids into the Exam Hall UNLESS YOU ARE TOLD TO DO SO FOR SPECIFIC PAPERS.
* Mobile gadgets and accessories be it "green berry or purple berry" are not allowed in the Exam Hall.
* You are permitted to use calculators with only digits (i.e. non-programmable, no alphanumeric memory, no communication devices).
* Exam misconduct includes communicating with, or copying from the script of another candidate or introducing unauthorised notes, etc. A candidate introducing an unauthorised aid or copying fromanother candidate may obtain a mark of zero for the paper or for the whole set of examinations.
* It is in your interest that answers are legible; therefore only black, blue or blue-black ink or biro should be used except where additional colours may be needed in diagrams, etc.
* Please note that all your rough work must be carried out in the answer book(s) provided; such work should be crossed out to distinguish it from answers to questions. It is an offence to remove any part of an answer book.
* This rule is for "Busy Mouth Enterproses". No food or drink is permitted in the examination room except that candidates may consume sweets and plain water provided they do not disturb other candidates and they remove any litter at the end of the examination. Smoking is prohibited.
* No inscription, jotting or writing on examination pass (front or back).
* Photocopy of the Exam Pass is not allowed.
* If you lost your Exam Pass, please replace it before Examination date. Do this at the recommendation and identification by Student Affairs Units.
* Greatest Offence. Impersonation ! IT WILL NEVER BE ALLOWED.
Best of Luck....Go and come out in flyign colours, students.
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