You are eligible only if you had 200 and above. nothing less please. This process is open to candidates who chose UNIOSUN as either first or second choice as well as other interested candidates
College of Health Sciences
- Anatomy
- Physiology
College of Management and Social Sciences
- B.Sc Sociology
- B.Sc. Entrepreneurship
College of Science, Engineering and Technology
- B.Sc. Zoology
- B.Sc. Plant Biology
- B.Sc. Chemistry
For more information visit the UNIOSUN portal by CLICKING HERE
Deadline For the Submission of forms is 12.00 noon on Friday 20th July, 2012
For further information, please contact the Admissions Office, Osun State University, Osogbo on Tel: 081-326-905-09, 070-65372579, 035-206440
And Also Remember To Share And Spread With Friends On Facebook , Twitter And Other Social Networks. Please Just Tell Them.
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